An anonymous complaint lodged against Dalhousie University has led to an investigation by Nova Scotia’s Occupational Health and Safety division. According to the letter, high levels of radiation were found in the dentistry building while removing mold from the basement. Allegedly, a dental assistance staff member was “exposed to radiation beyond acceptable levels” because Dalhousie University failed to provide proper radiation shielding equipment to staff. While the university acknowledged that work was being done in May, it rebutted the accusation, stating that the radiation levels recorded by radiology badges worn by those who work in the basement area were “elevated but not beyond acceptable.” Dalhousie further expressed its support for any review or investigation. An inspector and occupational hygienist will investigate the complaint, which is a first for Dalhousie Dentistry.

Exposure is a serious concern for anyone in a radioactive environment. Protection and precaution are key when it comes to preventing excess radiation. X-Z LAB’s all digital radiation detectors, such as RadTarge II | Electronic Personal Dosimter provide fast and accurate detection. Real-time dose rate readings and an alarm response under 2 seconds alerts users when radiation levels become harmful.


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