GAGG(Ce) (Gd2Al2Ga3O12:Ce) is a promising new scintillator for SPECT, as well as gamma ray and Compton electron detection.
GAGG(Ce) | Scintillation Crystal is one of the brightest scintillators with an emission peaking at 520 nm. It can be used for single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) as well as gamma ray and Compton electron detection. Cerium-doped GAGG crystals have may properties that make them suitable for gamma spectroscopy and medical imaging applications. A high photon yield and emission peak around 520 nm makes the material well suited for readout by silicon photomultipliers (SiPM).
- High density
- High photon yield
- High energy resolution
- Non-hygroscopicity
- CT, PET, and SPECT
- Gamma spectroscopy
- Compton electron detection