DKDP Pockels Cell | Q-Switch Crystal is used as electro-optic Q-switches with a reliable, stable performance for a diverse range of laser applications. X-Z LAB offers a unique design program that extends the Q-switch lifetime. In addition, the standard configuration employs a broad band with AR coating for improved durability and performance. The DKDP Q-switch is also available with index-matching fluid and a choice of end caps.
- Highest deuteration levels in the industry (99.8% KD*P)
- Adhesive/epoxy-free assembly
- Apertures from 8mm diameter up to 20mm diameter
- Lowest absorption in industry
- Highest optical damage thresholds
- High-reliability
- OEM laser systems
- Medical/cosmetic lasers
- Versatile R&D laser platforms
- Military & aerospace laser systems