BaF2 | Infrared Crystal has been commonly used as a UV-IR window material due to its broad transmission spectrum (190-1200nm).

KRS-5 | Infrared Crystal (thallium bromo-iodide (KRS-5)) is mixed by thallium bromide and thallium iodide crystals.

ZGP | Infrared Crystal (ZnGeP2, ZGP) single crystals are highly-effective, non-linear optical materials for the middle IR.

CaF2 | Infrared Crystal is a crystal with good transmission from 0.15 to 9μm.

Ge | Infrared Crystal is a kind of infrared optical material that has advantages of high infrared refractive index, wide infrared wavelength range, small absorption coefficient, and low dispersive index, etc.

MgF2 | Infrared Crystal is a positive, uni-axial crystal with a very high optical transmittance from the vacuum UV to IR.

LaF3 | Infrared Crystal is an excellent optical material with high transparency in the 0.2 to 10.5μm range.

LiF | Infrared Crystal is a type of cubic crystal which can be cleaved along 100 and less commonly 110.

Si | Infrared Crystal is commonly used as a substrate material for far infrared transmission.

ZnSe | Infrared Crystal is a chemically inert, non-hygroscopic, and highly-pure material that is very effective in many optical applications due to its extremely low bulk losses, high resistance to thermal shock, and stability in virtually all environments.

SrF2 | Infrared Crystal is a type of optical material with high transmittance from VUV to IR ranges.

AgGaS2 | Infrared Crystal is an excellent middle-infrared, nonlinear optical crystal which has many applications in the middle and deep-infrared wavelengths due to its unique features.

BaMgF4 | Infrared Crystal is one of the most useful materials in UV applications.