Advantages (2)

  • YSO + SiPM
DAQ algorithm:
  • Patented MVT digital sampling method
Wireless communication:
  • RadTarge II, RadPavise: RFID (available in RFID variants)
  • RadWall: ZigBee

YSO vs. NaI:
  • NaI is easily deliquesced
  • NaI is toxic
  • NaI is fragile
  • NaI needs to be sealed in aluminum alloy to prevent deliquescing and damage, increasing the size and weight of the detector
YSO vs. Ion Chamber:
  • Ion chamber needs to be large in order to have good detection capability
  • At the same size, YSO has much higher sensitivity
  • Ion chamber is extremely sensitive to the environment (i.e. humidity, temperature, air pressure)

Battery (4)

RadTarge II, RadPavise

The battery indicator on the screen shows the remaining charge on the battery.

After running out of battery, the device continues to work for 4 hours.

After 4 hours, the battery indicator flashes for 6 seconds before the device shuts down.

RadWall S

If there is no external power source, RadWall S will continue to run on its backup battery for 10 hours.

Yes; when the battery is running low, the measurement is still accurate.

Turn off the device to charge it faster.

RadTarge II

RadTarge II D300 and D700 need 2 hours to fully charge.

When the device is charging, the red light will turn on. After it is fully charged, the red light will turn off.


RadPavise needs 3–4 hours to fully charge.

When the device is charging, the green light will turn on. After it is fully charged, the green light will turn off.

Because our devices are all-digital instruments, there is no need to perform general maintenance and operation.

Battery changes are unnecessary as our devices use rechargeable batteries.

Calibration (4)

Devices do not need calibration to work properly.

However, depending on the rules and regulations of your industry, you may be required to regularly calibrate your equipment for quality assurance purposes.

Yes; calibration software is available to distributors and testing labs.

RadTarge II, RadPavise

RadTarge II D300, RadTarge II D700, and RadPavise are calibrated using calibration software on a PC via USB.

RadWall S

RadWall S100 and RadWall S300 are calibrated using calibration software on a PC via IoT-Cloud.

Yes; the calibration manual will be available soon.

RadTarge II, RadPavise

The device is expected to stay within operational parameters without need for calibration for at least 1 year.

Data Storage (3)

RadTarge II, RadPavise

  • 43,800 data points (5 years at 1-hour intervals)
  • Work log (5,000 items: turn on/off time, alarm on/off time)
  • Unlimited

RadWall S

  • No need for data storage; real-time air absorption dose rates and alarming
  • Unlimited

Our devices store data on a flash chip.

RadTarge II, RadPavise

Yes, the integrated/accumulated dose reading stays in memory when the device is turned off.

Dose Rate Range (1)

The dose rate upper limit, 1 mSv/h, is 100 mrem/h when converted to traditional units, which isn’t too low. A comparable competitor’s model, Thermo Scientific’s RadEye PRD, has an upper limit of only 25 mrem/h (250 µSv/h).

Our devices’ sensitivity is very high at 340 cps/mrem/h (34 cps/μSv/h) for RadTarge II and RadPavise; as a trade-off, the upper limit on the dose rate cannot be quite as high.

The next iteration of these devices, which will be available in October 2015, will have an upper limit of 10 rem/h (100 mSv/h). However, the sensitivity will not be as high as the previous versions.

Energy Response (1)

RadTarge II D300

ISO Beam Tech Code Energy (keV) Response
LK55 48 82.14%
LK70 60 115.72%
LK100 87 98.48%
LK125 109 93.51%
LK170 148 96.36%
137Cs 662 100.00%
60Co 1,250 64.86%

RadWall S100

ISO Beam Tech Code Energy (keV) Response
LK55 48 82.14%
LK70 60 115.72%
LK100 87 98.48%
LK125 109 93.51%
LK170 148 96.36%
137Cs 662 100.00%
60Co 1,250 75.00%

RadTarge II D700, RadPavise, RadWall S300

ISO Beam Tech Code Energy (keV) Response
LK35 30 82.00%
LK55 48 89.01%
LK70 60 112.74%
LK100 87 107.03%
LK125 109 83.78%
LK170 148 90.12%
137Cs 662 100.00%
60Co 1,250 84.82%

RadTarge II D900

ISO Beam Tech Code Energy (keV) Response
LK55 48 88.99%
LK70 60 108.38%
LK100 87 116.01%
LK125 109 102.11%
LK170 148 104.16%
137Cs 662 100.00%
60Co 1,330 104.07%

Industries (1)

X-Z LAB serves numerous industries. If you have a need for radiation detection, we can fill it.

Healthcare and Education:
  • Hospitals
  • Imaging centers
  • Cancer centers
  • Medical practices
  • Chiropractic practices
  • Dental practices
  • Veterinary practices
  • Educational institutions
  • Research laboratories
  • Nuclear power plants
  • Oil and gas pipeline concerns
  • Department of Energy (DOE) laboratories
  • Research reactor sites
National Security:
  • Local and national governments
  • Emergency response units
  • Military
  • Defense
  • Mining and petroleum
  • Automotive and aerospace
  • Construction
  • Medical devices
  • Radiopharmaceutical manufacturers

Detection Range (1)

At a distance of 4.9 ft (1.5 m), RadWall S can detect 1 mCi of Cs-137 within 2 s.

Accuracy (1)

RadTarge II D700, RadPavise, RadWall S300

Photon Beam Dose Equivalent Rate (µSv/h) Relative Intrinsic Error
137Cs – 662 keV 60.5 4.62%
121.0 0.93%
242.0 1.03%
484.0 1.00%
968.0 0.29%

RadWall S100

Photon Beam Dose Equivalent Rate (µSv/h) Relative Intrinsic Error
137Cs – 662 keV 52 4.00%
499 -0.20%
1,490 -0.67%

Returns (1)

For retail customers, there is a 90-day return policy. If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, we will issue a full refund or exchange with a valid receipt.

Customer damage or wear and tear is not covered unless a preexisting service contract states otherwise.

Shipping (1)

The shipping time frame depends on the quantity of products ordered.

Quantity Shipping Time
1–5 Ships within 14 days
6–25 Ships within 21 days
26–100 Ships within 1 month
> 100 Ships within 1–2 months, depending on order volume

Software (2)

RadTarge II, RadPavise

RadSuite-Dose is available for Mac and Windows.

RadWall S

Currently, the software only runs on Windows PCs. However, web-based software compatible with Windows and Mac will be available soon.

Hp(10) and Hp(0.07) are personal dose equivalents, which represent the probability of stochastic health effects from radiation.

  • Hp(10) is the deep dose equivalent. It is the equivalent dose at 10 mm below a specified point of the body.
  • Hp(0.07) is the shallow dose equivalent, also referred to as skin dose equivalent or surface dose equivalent. It is the equivalent dose at 0.07 mm below the surface of the body.

Currently, RadTarge II measures Hp(10). The option to switch between Hp(10) and Hp(0.07) will be added to future iterations of RadTarge II.

Power Supply (1)

Yes; RadWall comes with a UL certified AC adapter.

Warranty (1)

We offer a 1-year warranty on our devices.

Connectivity (4)

ZigBee is a secure, wireless mesh network standard. RadWall S uses ZigBee to communicate wirelessly with IoT-Cloud, which connects RadWall S to the software, allowing readings to be shown on the computer.

Connectivity on RadWall S covers a distance of 3,300 ft (1,000 m) without obstruction.

RadWall S can connect without issue with one or two walls in the way, although less distance is covered.

Up to 100 RadWall S units can connect to each IoT-Cloud.

Maintenance (2)

The device performs a self-check every time it is turned on. If something is wrong, it will display “ERROR” on the screen.

Because our devices are all-digital instruments, there is no need to perform general maintenance and operation.

Battery changes are unnecessary as our devices use rechargeable batteries.

Standards (1)

RadTarge II

  • N13.11 Personal Dosimetry Performance – Criteria for Testing (2009)
  • IEC 62387 International Standard – Radiation protection instrumentation – Passive integrating dosimetry systems for personal and environmental monitoring of photon and beta radiation (2012) (International Electrotechnical Commission)
  • ANSI N42.20 Performance Criteria for Active Personnel Radiation Monitors (2003)


  • IEC 62387 International Standard – Radiation protection instrumentation – Passive integrating dosimetry systems for personal and environmental monitoring of photon and beta radiation (2012) (International Electrotechnical Commission)
  • ANSI N42.20 Performance Criteria for Active Personnel Radiation Monitors (2003)
  • ANSI/IEEE N42.32 Performance Criteria for Alarming Personal Radiation Detectors for Homeland Security (2006)

Detector (2)

YSO vs. NaI:
  • NaI is easily deliquesced
  • NaI is toxic
  • NaI is fragile
  • NaI needs to be sealed in aluminum alloy to prevent deliquescing and damage, increasing the size and weight of the detector
YSO vs. Ion Chamber:
  • Ion chamber needs to be large in order to have good detection capability
  • At the same size, YSO has much higher sensitivity
  • Ion chamber is extremely sensitive to the environment (i.e. humidity, temperature, air pressure)


The plus sign on the back of RadPavise indicates the location of the detector.

RadTarge II

The detector is located left of the RadTarge logo.

RadWall S

The detector is located above the display.

Testing (2)

RadTarge II, RadPavise

Each face of the devices passes a drop test of 3.3 ft (1 m) onto concrete covered by a 0.16 in (4 mm) hard rubber sheet.

RadTarge II D700

  • Manufacturer testing
  • China Metrology Certification (CMC)
  • Type test by National Institute of Metrology, China
  • Performance test by China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation 719 Research Institute
  • Calibration test by Radiation Detection Company (RDC)


  • Manufacturer testing
  • China Metrology Certification (CMC)
  • Type test by Jiangsu Institute of Metrology
  • Performance test by China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation 719 Research Institute
  • Awarded Gold Medal in the 41st Geneva International Exhibitions of Inventions in April 2013